Friday, April 3, 2020

B.Sc. Nursing -Microbiology questions

B.Sc. Nursing -Microbiology questions

I. Write short notes on following questions.
II. Write point wise. Minimum ten points for each. Draw diagrams or flow diagrams where ever needed.
III. Select you question as per your roll number.  You can Prepare  type notes(word file) /PPT /  hand written notes. Post your preparation on or before 6th April 2020.
IV. Request to read and study the answers prepared by your classmates.

1.      Contributions of Louis Pasteur
2.      Contributions of Robert Koch
3.      contributions of Joseph Lister
4.      Importance of Microbiology in Nursing
5.      Classification of Microorganisms
6.      Prokaryote and Eukaryotes
7.      Classification of Bacteria
8.      Bacterial cell wall
9.      Bacterial flagella
10.  Bacterial spores
11.  Gram staining
12.  Acid fast staining
13.  Types and uses of microscope
14.  Bacterial growth and multiplication
15.  Cultivation of Bacteria
16.  Culture media
17.  Identification of Bacteria
18.  Bacterial toxins
19.  Hot air oven
20.  Autoclave
21.  Pasteurisation
22.  Sterilisation by filtration
23.  Radiations used for sterilisation
24.  Antimicrobial agents
25.  Drug resistance
26.  Antibiotic sensitivity tests
27.  Universal safety precautions
28.  CSSD
29.  Biomedical waste management
30.  Aseptic Techniques
31.  Nosocomial infections
32.  Sources of Infection
33.  Normal flora
34.  Structure and functions of Antibody
35.  Vaccines and Antisera
36.  Brief account of Antigen -Antibody reactions
37.  ELISA
38.  Immediate Hypersensitivity
39.  Delayed hyper sensitivity
40.  Autoimmune diseases
41.  Etiology, pathogenesis, lab diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of Tuberculosis
42.  Etiology, pathogenesis, lab diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of Leprosy
43.  Etiology, pathogenesis, lab diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of Enteric fever
44.  Etiology, pathogenesis, lab diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of meningitis
45.  Etiology, pathogenesis, lab diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of Diphtheria
46.  Etiology, pathogenesis, lab diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of Tetanus
47.  Etiology, pathogenesis, lab diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of Gonorrhoea
48.  Etiology, pathogenesis, lab diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of food poisoning
49.  Etiology, pathogenesis, lab diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of Cholera
50.  Etiology, pathogenesis, lab diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of UTI
51.  Etiology, pathogenesis, lab diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of Bacillary dysentery
52.  Etiology, pathogenesis, lab diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of Syphilis
53.  Briefly describe the Morphology, classification, pathogenesis, and Lab diagnosis of Staphylococcus
54.  Briefly describe the Morphology, classification, pathogenesis, and Lab diagnosis of Streptococus
55.  Briefly describe the Morphology, classification, pathogenesis, and Lab diagnosis of Haemophilus influenzae
56.   Briefly describe the Morphology, classification, pathogenesis, and Lab diagnosis of Yersinia pestis
57.  Briefly describe the Morphology, classification, pathogenesis, and Lab diagnosis of Bordetella pertussis
58.  Briefly describe the Morphology, classification, pathogenesis, and Lab diagnosis of Escherichia coli
59.  Sexually transmitted diseases
60.  Zoonoses
61.  General characters of Viruses
62.  Classification of Viruses
63.  Cultivation of viruses
64.  Herpes viruses
65.  Hepatitis viruses
66.  Polio virus and vaccines
67.  Influenza viruses
68.  Rabies virus and anti-rabies treatment
69.  Diagnosis of HIV/AIDS
70.  Chikungunaya
71.  Dengue
72.  SARS
73.  Antiviral drugs
74.  General characters of Fungi
75.  Dermatophytosis/Ring worm
76.  Candida albicans
77.  Mycetoma
78.  Aspergillosis
79.  Lab diagnosis of Fungal infections
80.  Vector Borne Infections


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