Sunday, April 12, 2020


introduction -immunity is a protection power of human body against infectious  that is called immunity. immunity protect from foreign material. immunity produced resistance   against microorganisms and their product.  immunity help to protect from infectious disease in normal language immunity is the host defense system.

definition -

'immunity is the capability of the body resist harmful microbes ''

'immunity is the biological defenses to avoid  infection , disease ,or other unwanted biological invention ''

''immunity is define as immunity is the ability of an organism fight against disease and pathogens or immunity is a self defense mechanism of human body against pathogens or disease ''


Classification Of Immunity Or Types 

(1) immunity divided into two types 
  • innate 
  • acquired 
(2) innate immunity divided into two types 
  • specific 
  • nonspecific  
(3) acquired immunity divided into two types 
  • active immunity 
  • passive immunity 
(4) active immunity  divided into two types
  • natural 
  • artificial 
(5) passive immunity  divided into two types 
  • natural 
  • artificial 
(1) Innate immunity - innate immunity is a natural immunity which may be genetically passed on from one generation to other generation. innate immunity is know as birth immunity innate immunity present in individual from birth. innate immunity is commonly  divided in to two types.

  1. specific immunity 
  2. nonspecific immunity 
1. specific immunity - we know specific immunity is a type of innate immunity but it is not present from birth because this immunity develop in individual against specific antigen.  basically the immune system produced millions of lymphocyte and each lymphocytes has different antigen receptor. specific immunity show difference between self cell and foreign cell. its can recognize foreign cell and ignore self cell. example of specific  immune system its remember pathogens encounter such as chicken pox. chicken pox is a infection that dose not occur once in humans once again.

2. nonspecific immunity - non specific immunity is a safety system of our body which protect the human body from infectious diseases, mainly involves all the mechanisms  of our body such as skin  , gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary tract, respiratory tract, mucous membrane, eyes etc. the various non specific mechanisms are present they are following -

  • Skin 
  • Mucus membrane 
  • Respiratory tract 
  • Gastrointestinal tract 
  • Genitourinary tract 
  • Eye 

  • Skin - skin is a barriers of all pathogens because skin is cover the body and provide protection against invading microorganism,they provide mechanical barriers. sink is consist of the  epidermis, dermis, and basement membrane. epidermis is outermost  layer of body  and from protective barriers cover the body surface and other function of skin is regulate the body temperature, sensory function etc.

  •  Mucus membrane - mucus membrane are present in various body system such as  genitourinary, urinary, respiratory, gastrointestinal and all other systems of body prevent from invasion of pathogens or microorganism. the mucus membrane make protective covering for body and make trap for microorganism.

  • Respiratory tract -   respiratory tract start from nose and microorganism firstly enter in nose through air but nose structure prevent  entry of microorganism because nasal hair and mucus secretion trap particle. they microorganism enter in nose and held at mucus lining and the epithelium and sent to pharynx where coughing and sneezing help removal of microorganism from respiratory tract .    

  • Genitourinary tract -  urine PH and the flushing action of urine eliminate so many microorganism. the vaginal secretion are highly acidic due to formation of glycogen by lactobacillus. acidity of vagina make if unfavorable condition for the growth of microorganism     
  • Gastrointestinal - saliva secretion by salivary gland, saliva help to control growth  microorganism and stomach is highly acidic , acidic condition of stomach inhibits multiplication of microorganism and mucus membrane present in digestive tract they protect from infection . 

  • Eye - secretion of tear by lacrimal gland  protect from infection . and make unfavorable condition for bacterial growth  
(2) Acquired immunity -  acquired immunity is a resistance develop for specific antigen or resistance acquired by an individual during life time. individual adapt immunity by infection or vaccination by transfer  of antibody from an immune donor. acquired immunity commonly divided into the two types active and passive immunity.

  • active immunity 
  • passive immunity    

  • active immunity - immunity resulting from the development of antibodies in the from of vaccination or exposed to an infection disease. active immunity means any antigen or foreign particle enter in body and body produced antibody against antigen that is active or adaptive immunity they are two types of active immunity 
    (A) natural   acquired active immunity
    (B) artificial  acquired active immunity

(A) natural acquired active immunity -  this immunity acquired by infection such as viral infection or bacterial infection it is acquired after an infection or recovery from disease . antibody produced response to infection in some cases immunity may be life long example measles small pox.

(B) artificial acquired active immunity - it may be acquired by artificially or archived by vaccination or toxic  which is preparation  of live attenuated or killed microorganism or pathogen or their antigen. artificial immunity get by individual through vaccination such as BCG ,TT, DT etc.

  •   passive immunity  - the passive immunity is a readymade immunity. passive immunity transfer readymade antibody . the resistance transfer to the recipient in a ready-made from is called passive immunity example maternal antibodies are transfer to the fetus through the placenta passive immunity divided into the two type they are following -
(A)  natural  acquired passive immunity
(B)  artificial  acquired passive  immunity

(A)  natural  acquired passive immunity - the resistance transfer passively from mother to fetus through the placenta . immunoglobulin   IgG can transfer or cross the placenta. after birth antibodies are transfer to newborn baby through the breast milk.this is immunity made up under natural condition is called natural but recipient does not synthesize antibodies but get from donor that is passive.

(B) artificial  acquired passive  immunity - it is resistance transfer to a recipient by administration of antibodies. it is archived by toxic or vaccination.

Importance Of Immunity 

  • immunity is the protection power of human body. 
  • immunity protect from invasion of pathogen. 
  • immunity is the natural defense system of human body. 
  • immunity help to protection from microorganism.

Summary Of Immunity - 

the study of immunity help to understand immune power of the body and its function. immunity is the protection power of body its protect from invasion of pathogen it is resistances power of body. immunity mostly divided into two type natural and artificial. the natural immunity is the birth immunity it is transfer from one generation to other generation, natural immunity made before birth natural immunity is also individual immunity its come from birth. natural immunity divided into to types specific and non specific. the specific immunity generated in individual to any infection such as small pox and non specific immunity of individual such as skin,mucus,digestive system,urinary system,respiratory system etc they are help to protection from infection.artificial immunity it is ready made immunity its acquired after birth such as antibody transfer through mother milk and other example is vaccination or immunization. 

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