Sunday, April 5, 2020


Tetanus - Clostridium tetani
Ø  Gram positive bacillus, anaerobic, endospores, common in soil & GI tract animals
Ø  Virulence:  Powerful neurotoxin - blocks neurotransmitter inhibitor cholinesterase
Ø  P/E:  Endospores introduced deep into tissue wound (puncture wound)
Ø  Disease:  Incubation period. 4 days. - 2 week.  Endospores germinate ® bacteria multiply at site, remain localized producing little or no inflammation ® secretes neurotoxin ® enters bloodstream ® CNS where interferes with cholinesterase ® causes tonic contractions, painful spasms of muscles.
Ø  Onset:  Headache, stiff neck, ­ fever, chills.  Spasms begin in muscles of face (causes difficulty in opening mouth) ® neck ® back ® chest ® abdomen ® extremities. Spasms can break bones, cause body contortions.  Involvement of respiratory, cardiac muscles ® convulsions ® coma ® death.
Vaccine: tetanus toxoid (TT) DPT toxoid .Anti tetanus antiserum also available - only neutralizes toxin in bloodstream.

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